Outdoor Research Men’s Foray Jacket (Size S)
“A fantastic all-around shell with some of the best ventilation features out there.” Outdoor Gear Lab, Best Rain Jackets of 2017
Waterproof, breathable and lightweight, the GORE-TEX Foray Jacket and Pants provide dependable rain protection and shrug off the wear-and-tear of the trail and cityscape alike. Consistently two of our best sellers, the Foray Collection is a must-have for every closet.
- Fabric Performance: Waterproof, Breathable, Fully Seam-Taped, Laminated Construction, Windproof
- Design Features: Fully Adjustable Hood, YKK AquaGuard Zippers, Internal Front Stormflap, TorsoFlo Venting – Hem-To-Bicep, Zip Chest Pocket, Zip Hand Pockets, Left-Hand Pocket Doubles as Stuff Sack, Carabiner Loop
- Functional Details: Double-Separating Center Front Zipper, Pocket Placement Above Harness, Hook/ Loop Cuff Closures, Elastic Cuffs, Elastic Drawcord Hem
- GORE-TEX with Paclite product technology 2L
- 100% polyester 50D plain weave
Weight: 16.3oz / 463g Avg. Weight for size L