KUMA Outdoor Gear Yoho Bamboo Butterfly Chair – Heather Grey
Created with the highest quality hardwood, bamboo furniture has many advantages. Our ultra padded seat with the flexibility of bamboo creates an amazing combination of comfort and strength. And because bamboo is lighter in weight than most hardwoods you get the assurance of strength but the advantage of lightweight compactibility, as our Yoho Butterfly Chair packs up into a carry bag for easy transport.
- Foldable, lightweight bamboo base
- 600D Polyester padded suspension seat
- Side, insulated cup holder
- Underside mesh pocket
- Carry bag included
- Weight Capacity: 250 lbs.
- Carry Bag Size: 49″(W) x 9″(H) x 5″ (D)
- Seat Height: 17″
- Color: Heather Grey
- Width: 28.00 in
- Height: 40.00 in
- Depth: 25.00 in
- Weight: 13.00 lbs