KUMA Outdoor Gear Lazy Bear Dog Bed
You’ve had your turn to relax on our Lazy Bear Chairs, now give your furry friends a chance! No longer will you have to give up or share your spot, let your pet have their own! And since dogs can be messy and accidents happen, our Lazy Bear Dog Bed comes complete with a removable pillow and mesh bottom for easy cleaning. Rated for 175lbs.
- Durable ribbed 600D polyester
- Sturdy 3/4″ black tube frame
- Stabilizer feet
- Padded back & sides
- Carry bag included
- Mesh base
- Removable padded cushion
- Bed Height: 11″
- Lazy Bear seat area: 21″ W x 21″ D x 16″ H
- The Dog Bed Seat area: 25″ W x 26″ D x 11″ H
- Size: 32.50in(W) x 24.00in(H) x 25.50in(D)
- Weight: 13.00lbs/5.90kg