KUMA Outdoor Gear Kozy Bear Chair
Keep your drinks close at hand with our new Kozy Bear Chair! The central cooler (it fits a six pack!) provides both you and your camping buddy easy access to your drinks all night. The slightly curved chair design grants a little more shoulder space between each other and the perfect amount of heat around the campfire, it has zippered mesh pockets to store your valuables (no more lost phone!), has a padded back and armrests, and two beverage holders keeping you Kozy on all your outdoor adventures! Rated for 500 lbs.
- Durable 600D polyester
- Sturdy 3/4″ black tube frame
- Stabilizer feet
- Padded back & arm rests
- Centre cooler – Fits a six pack!
- Mesh and zippered centre back pockets
- 2 Beverage holders
- Carry bag included
- Color: Red/Black, Heather Grey
- Weight: 17.5lbs/8kg
- Size: 39.5″(H) x 57″(W) x 29.5″(D)
- Seat Height: 18″