KUMA Outdoor Gear Bear Buddy Heated Chair
It’s a double Lazy Bear Heated Chair! Stay warm together in this 2 seater! This one-of-a-kind dual chair is equipped with two separate ADDHEAT Control Systems and two stem glass holders on either side. Rated for 500 lbs.
Price includes two 10,000 mAh Power Banks.
- Durable 600D polyester
- Sturdy 3/4″ black tube frame
- Stabilizer feet
- Padded back & arm rests
- 2 Stem glass holders
- 2 Beverage holders
- Dual independent heated seats
- Carry bag included
- Seat Height: 16 in
- Size: 59.00in(W) x 38.50in(H) x 24.00in(D)
- Weight: 22.00lbs