KUMA Outdoor Gear Lazy Bear Heated Chair with Power Bank & Bluetooth
Our Lazy Bear Heated Camp Chair powered by Bluetooth technology features the exclusive ADDHEAT Control System. We’ve integrated a heated seat and app system designed to keep you warm and comfortable for hours, no matter the weather. Rated for 350lbs.
- Durable 600D polyester
- Heated seat
- LED lit Bluetooth and manual use button
- Sturdy 3/4″ black tube frame
- Stabilizer feet
- Padded back & arm rests
- Insulated beverage holder and phone pocket
- 10,000mAh USB-C Power Bank included
- Carry bag included
- Seat Height: 16″
- Width: 34″
- Height: 34″
- Depth: 27″
- Weight: 15 lbs / 7kg