KUMA Outdoor Gear Bear Den 3 Tent – Graphite/Orange
Our 3 person stretched dome tents are perfect for individuals or small to medium sized groups. The weatherproof vestibule creates a perfect place for any storage that needs to stay dry.
- Fly: 68D 190T Polyester/3000mm, PU coating – Fully taped seams
- Floor: 210D Oxford, 3000mm, Taped seams bathtub style
- Pole Options:
- OPT#1: 3 x 8.5mm Fiberglass Stock
- OPT#2: 3 Person – 3 x 8.5mm Aluminum Upcharge applies
- Doors: One exterior, one interior – Size 8 zippers
- Includes: Tent pegs, guidelines, inside mesh pockets and carry bag
- Weight: 5kg/11lbs
- Size: 11’10” (L) x 7’3″(W) x 4’6″(H)